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- Townhouse development, Rondebosch: 20 units (2007-2008)
- Townhouse development, Kylemore: 20 units (2009)
- Apartment block, Grassy Park: 3 storeys, 70 units (2009)
- Townhouse development, Newlands (2 projects): 20 units (2010)
- Single residential and sports club, Rondebosch: 40 units (2012)
- Residential and commercial mixed-use block, Claremont (Brooke Street): 10 storeys, 130 units (2012)
- Apartment block in a heritage building, Kalk Bay: 6 units (2016)
- Mixed-use rural village development consisting of 475 units (single residential, town houses and apartment blocks), guest accommodation, commercial floor space, farmers market, clinic and ECD centre requiring Heritage impact assessment, Environmental impact assessment and various other specialists impact assessments (2017-2019)
- Social Housing Project, Diep River: 138 additional units (2017)
- Apartment block, Observatory: 7 storeys, 64 units (2018)
- Apartment Block, Newlands: 9 storeys, 310 units (2018-2019)
- Affordable housing technical feasibility investigation, Roggebaai (2018-2019)
- Apartment block and shops, Rondebosch: 9 storeys, 505 units (2021)
- Apartment block and shops, Rondebosch: 8 storeys, 132 units (2021) (with heritage permit application)
- Guest accommodation application, Stellenbosch (Boschendal Farm): ±32 rooms (2014)
- Guest accommodation application, Franschhoek (La Cotte Farm): ±22 rooms (2017)
- Tourist facilities, restaurant, picnics and wine sales -Vergenoegd Farm (2017-2019)
- Outdoor events at Fernwood, Cape Town (up to 1000 people) (201
- Outdoor events at River Club, Observatory (up to 2000 people) (2008-2009)
- Tourist facilities (function venue, restaurant at Boschendal Farm (2014).
- Heartland at AECI Somerset West: ±200ha (2008)
- Photographic Studio, Woodstock (2010)
- Restaurant, Observatory (2011)
- New office and retail building, Green Point (Somerset Road) (2012)
- Mixed-use development and Artscape expansion 100 000m2 GLA (2016)
- Shopping Centre, Parow (2017)
- Office, Stellenbosch (2018)
- Vision: Foreshore Gateway Cape Town CBD: Urban Design Framework and bulk Infrastructure assessment (2021)
- Industrial development Springfield, Philippi ±42ha (2007-2010)
- Groceries Distribution Centre, Philippi, 80 000m2 (2010)
- Industrial development, Philippi ±4ha (2016)
- Industrial and big retail, Hermanus (2018)
- Various Solar Energy Projects at Prieska and De Aar, Northern Cape (2011-2017) (±14 applications)
- Various Wind Energy Projects at Prieska, Springbok and De Aar, Northern Cape (2011-2014) (4 projects)
- Various Wind Energy in Vredendal, Touws River and Beaufort West, Western Cape (2012-2021) (6 projects)
- Consent application for Place of Instruction, Pinelands (2008-2009)
- Consent for a school, Mowbray (2011)
- New Christiaan Barnard Hospital, Cape Town CBD (2012-2013)
- Multi-purposes training and event venue for Parliament, Newlands (Fernwood Estate) (2012-2016)
- Place of Instruction (expansion of Masterplan), Oranjezicht including Heritage Protection Overlay Zone and Heritage applications (2017)
- University Medical Campus Tygerberg, Parow (2017)
- Biomedical Research Facility for Stellenbosch University medical campus Tygerberg (2018)
- Artscape Concept Precinct Plan (2019)
- District Six Public Places (for City of Cape Town) (2021)
- Eden District Mobility Strategy (2011)
- Cape Town Integrated Rapid Bus Transit system (MyCiti)(various station projects and depot approvals(2009-2014):
- Khayelitsha Nolungile Public Transport Interchange (2014 and 2021)
- Blue Downs Rail link feasibility Study (with Gibb) (2015)
- Various Public Transport Interchanges in City of Cape Town (Mfuleni, Nolungile, Nonquebela, Vuyani) (2021) (4 projects)
- Helicopter landing facility at new Christiaan Barnard Hospital (on top of 60m tall building), Cape Town CBD (2016)
- Commercial helicopter landing facility (85m tall building) Cape Town CBD (2021 underway)
- Grabouw Farm 319 Palmiet River: Advice on Spatial Development Framework input (2008)
- Central City Development Strategy in conjunction with CityThinkSpace (2009)
- Boston Local Area Policy Plan (2010)
- Various projects for South African Breweries (2006-2009)
- Preparation of City of Cape Town Integrated Zoning Maps (2007-2008)
- Cape Town Zoning Scheme: Central City Overlay Zone (2008)
- Stellenbosch Integrated Zoning Scheme (2015) and review (2018)
- Drakenstein new Zoning Scheme & Zoning Maps (2018)
- City of Cape Town Bulk Infrastructure Levy Policy (2014)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment: City of Cape Town Far South (2015)
- Review of City of Cape Town Policies for TOD responsiveness (2018)
- Review of City of Cape Town DMS and assessment of Urban Dorm (2019)
- City of Cape Town Urban Design Policy -Research policy efficacy (2021)